Volume 3, Issue 6, July 11, 2020 |
Post Pandemic Podcast on New Storecheck eBook: How Brand and Retailers should Prepare for Reopening |
Dear Colleague,
Welcome to our Back to Business Canadian CoWorker eMagazine.
We're thrilled to have re-opened following Premier Ford's announcement three weeks ago. As anticipated we put all the necessary safety measures in place and were proudly one of the first to re-open in Erin Mills Town Centre Shopping Mall.
Demand for coworking or remote working is skyrocketing in the 905 due to the lack of suitable workspaces. Whether you're part of a professional not able to return to work downtown, a freelancer, consultant, or a startup with a crammed home of people and pets and unable to focus, we have select spaces for you to get your work done quietly and efficiently.
As we redefine our priorities. the opportunity to live, work and play closer to home is highly desirable and a mantra that we've embraced for the last few years.
We were especially thrilled to welcome back our valued Mindshare Workspace community members, with almost 100% returning! In this issue we proudly spotlight Amon in Express Shipping!
Our passion is to redefine the future of work and learning. I look forward to re-connecting with our community members, and our broader community. It's about people and making an impact on each other's lives to work, learn and grow!
Be sure to checkout my exclusive podcast with the founder of Storecheck an AI focused platform that is a client of our valued member, MQT Global, digital marketing company.
I hope you enjoy this month's Canadian CoWorker issues. We always welcome your comments and upcoming events. Special thanks to our members, the City of Mississauga and Erin Mills Town Centre management for their support in a 'speedy' reopening.
Until next time, stay healthy, stay safe and keep the sales curve steep! |
PS. Please share with friends or collegues new to coworking! We have are offering an exploratory one day pass of $9.99/Day!
Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech
Founder & CEO, MindShare Workspace
President, MindShare Learning Technology™
Chief Digital Curator, The Canadian Coworker & MindShare Learning Report™
Co-founder & President C21 Canada™
Follow us on Twitter @MindShareworkspace @mindsharelearn
Masks Mandatory in all indoor public spaces in the
City of Mississauga. Mask Up Mississauga! |
We are Open! Come Visit Us & Explore the Future of Work for $9.99/Day |
UTM Student Intern Spotlight Blog
My Experience Working for Mindshare |
Dear Mindshare eMag Readers,
Hi, my name is Ivana Zelich. I am a student at the University of Toronto Mississauga, currently enrolled in a specialist program, Digital Enterprise Management. My program focuses on the advancement of technologies impact on the traditional business model and how to manage the digital firm with these shifts from traditional to digital. My experience in this program thus far has been great, I have learned a wide variety of essential business skills from using excel functions to analyzing business performance indicators to web design.
This program has offered me a wide scope of knowledge into the fundamentals of managing a digital firm and the new technological shifts that will allow a business to run more efficiently and effectively. With the rapidly increasing technology sector thriving, this program has allowed me to get ahead of the curve and move toward the future of what business will look like. In order to gain experience in my field, I am very thankful to Robert Martellacci, the CEO of Mindshare Workspace who so kindly offered me the opportunity to work as a summer student for the Mindshare Workspace.
My experience working at the Mindshare workspace has been amazing, it has been filled with new learning experiences, skill building, opportunities and personal growth. The Mindshare Workspace has allowed me to develop a variety of new skills that will be essential for my future endeavors and business ventures. Not only has working for Mindshare taught me a lot of fundamental business skills but working for Robert Martellacci has taught me a large amount, and has allowed me to witness what running a business entails. Robert’s hard work ethic, passion for his work and thirst for evolving, are all the key qualities of an amazing business CEO, that I truly admire. All these qualities Robert exudes, I hope to implement into my future projects, works and plans, as he has demonstrated all the competitive advantages these very important qualities bring.
Working at Mindshare has allowed me to develop skills and qualities that can’t be taught within the classroom as they are derived purely from hands on experience, such as formulation/designing of ads, updating website components, etc. While working here, I have been able to bridge the theoretical I have learned from my program, to the completion of practical work. Working at the Mindshare Workspace has allowed me to understand the importance of community within the work place, as it brings productivity, evolution and growth for everyone within the space.
I am very honoured and thankful to have the opportunity to work for a company with a CEO, with such great core values and qualities. I am very excited for what the future holds and all the new learning experiences that will follow.
Ivana Zelich, Digital Media Intern,
MindShare Workspace |
During COVID-19, We Are Doing Virtually Tours to Secure Your Space! Book Yours Today! Checkout our 'NEW" Podcast Studio! |
Mississauga Support for Business During COVID-19 |
New Demand for Coworking Coming to the Suburbs
With over 20,000 coworking spaces already estabished in countries around the world, the boom in coworking over the past decade can primarily be traced to urban centuries.
Major cities like Bangalore, Berlin and Melbourne, for example, have witnessed nearly 20% year-over-year growth since 2010 - and despite the setbacks from COVID-19, show few signs of slowing down. It's been said that London gains one new coworking space every five day, and in New York City a new space pops up every week.
Member Spotlight! Amon, Owner. Express Shipping |
Thermal Guard Touchless Temperature Screening Technology
For further product information, contact Tanya Kuni, tanya.kuni@gmail.com. Reference Code: MindShare100. |
Join Us for a Virtual Friday Feast! July 31st, Noon!
Network with like-minded people, explore Coworking
Theme -- "Growing and Launching you Business in Challenging Times"
Learn how Robert Martellacci, CEO, MindShare Workspace was iinspired by his former boss Kevin O'Leary to launch MindShare Learning Tech in the depths of a massive dot-com correction in 2000. This year, Mindshare Learning celebrates 20 years of connecting to success!
To reserve your spot, email, robert@mindshareworkspace.com |
Dr. Ulli Krull
Principal Emeritus, University of Toronto Mississauga
Peter Singh
CTO, Toronto District School Board
Joseph Wilson
Director of Business Development SpongeLab (former MaRSDD Advisor)
Mark McPherson
VP, Advanced Presentation Products
Ramy Ghattas
Co-founder, Logics Academy
Suthan Sivanesan
Sr. Business Development Manager, Ontario Centres of Excellence
Michael Bator
Executive Director, CCC/ Former Director Dufferin Peel CDSB
Maxim Jean Louis
CEO, Contact North
Ron Sedran
Managing Director, Syndication, Canaccord Capital
Tim Gard
Teacher Librarian Toronto District School Board
Phil Cutler
CEO & Co-Founder, GradeSlam
Dr. Gina Cherkowski
Founder and CEO of STEM Learning Lab
Patricia Gartland
Superintendent of Schools & CEO, School District 43 Coquitlam
Dr. Aman Iqbal
PhD, MBA: Healthcare Entrepreneur, Mentor and Investor
Michael Fearon
Emergency Management Assistant OPS / Instructor Ryerson University / Research Assistant York University
Rahul Mehta
HBSc, Candidate for Masters of Environmental Studies
Contacts us for any questions, comments, concerns, or interested in a franchise opportunity! |
Mindshare WorkSpace Inc.
Erin Mills Town Centre Shopping Mall, Unit I3
5100 Erin Mills Parkway
Mississauga, ON L5M 4Z5
Phone: 905 814 0900
Email: robert@mindshareworkspace.com
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