Volume 3, Issue 7, December 9, 2020 |
This Week in Canadian Coworker Featuring Mississauga Walk of Fame Recipient Patti Jannetta, Canadian Pop and Rock Singer |
Dear Colleague,
Welcome to our Special December Holiday Edition of the Canadian CoWorker eMagazine.
We're thrilled to inform you that we are still open for business, implementing all the necessary saftey measures put in place by the Ontario government due to COVID-19.
Come join us virtually to celebrate our 3rd Anniversary Holiday Party! Mark you calendars for Thursday, December 17, 4-6pm. We have an innovative cool Virtual event platform that will enable networking more seamlessly! Please RSVP.
During the past three years, it's been an honour to serve the Mississauga/Oakville/Milton and Brampton regions to provide a safe and inspirational setting for people to live, work & learn in their own community. The pandemic has accelerated our vision to allow people to work more efficiently and live closer to home, thereby enhancing their quality of life. Our valued added consulting services have also been greatly valued by our members, especially during these challenging times.
Hence, expansion plans are very much in our roadmap due to demand of suburban coworking and shared office space and we remained committed to our mission of redefining the future of work and learning. Please feel free to drop me a note if you're interested in learning more!
We would like to thank our valued Mindshare Workspace community members for their continued support and cooperation in keeping our workspace safe and clean. In this issue we proudly spotlight Ashish Arora, Inteltum Consultancy, InspireX Technologies.
We are pleased to announce that we are now offering podcast studio rentals in our enhanced state of the art podcasting studio. Speaking of which, we were honoured recently to interview Mississauga Walk of Fame recipient, the highly talented Patti Jannetta. We also caught up with Mike Douglas, Mississauga Art Council, Executive Director on how the pivoted during challenging times for their members, both featured in this issue.
Be sure to also checkout our Pocasting101 featuring UTM Digital Enterprise Management student and MindShare intern, Ivana Zelich, discussing podcasting best practices, tips, tricks and advice for hosting, & creating a high quality podcast.
As we all adapt and pivot in these most challening times, we've stay true to our mission of redefining the future of work and learning. Hence, it's never been more exciting and busier time in the history both MindShare Workspace and Learning companies. #Grateful to our parnters and clients!
I hope you enjoy this month's Canadian CoWorker issue. We always welcome your comments and upcoming events. Special thanks to our members, the City of Mississauga and Erin Mills Town Centre management for their support to enabling us to stay open and safe.
Until next time, wishing you and your family a safe and happy holiday season! I hope to see you virtually next Thursday at our 3rd Anniversary Holiday Celebration event. |
PS. This Year's Charity of Choice is the Trillium Hospital in honour of the outstanding work of the Healthcare Workers
Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech
Founder & CEO, MindShare Workspace
President, MindShare Learning Technology™
Chief Digital Curator, The Canadian Coworker & MindShare Learning Report™
Co-founder & President C21 Canada™
Follow us on Twitter @MindShareworkspace @mindsharelearn
This Week in Canadian Coworker MindShareTV Podcast
w/ Mike Douglas, Executive Director, Mississauga Arts Council on What's New at MAC as they pivot and adapt in Challenging Times |
A Mindshare Learning Moment on Podasting 101 |
Podcasting best practises, tips, tricks and advice for hosting, & creating a high quality podcast. |
Here’s how Mississauga businesses can get support during COVID-19 restrictions
InSauga: December 8, 2020
Since November 23, Mississauga and the rest of Peel Region are under lockdown due to a rise in COVID-19 cases.
While it's not the first lockdown for the city, business owners in Mississauga are understandably under a lot of stress as they figure out how to maneuver the new rules and restrictions that are in place. Read more
Mississauga Support for Business During COVID-19 |
New Demand for Coworking Coming to the Suburbs
With over 20,000 coworking spaces already estabished in countries around the world, the boom in coworking over the past decade can primarily be traced to urban centuries.
Major cities like Bangalore, Berlin and Melbourne, for example, have witnessed nearly 20% year-over-year growth since 2010 - and despite the setbacks from COVID-19, show few signs of slowing down. It's been said that London gains one new coworking space every five day, and in New York City a new space pops up every week.
We are honouring our valued member Ashish Arora, Inteltum Consultancy, InspireX Technologies
"We work with businesses to improve their performance by providing expert advice to solve problems and encourage growth. We work with our clients to transform their organizations, embed creative technology and business solutions into everything they do, and build enduring capabilities. Passionate about your success!"
Mindshare Employee of the Month
Kristina Zelich
STEAM Works Studio, Operations Manager |
"It is a pleasure to work at the Mindshare workspace. They have great amenities, and all the key office space essentials. The workspace exudues a motivational environment, along with a friendly community" - Kristina |
Welcoming New Workspace Member
Clifford Angat
Thunderbolt Web Design, CEO |
"Back in a FLASH"
- Clifford |
STEM Robtotics Classes for Kids Hosted by Steam Works Studios Canada |
Dr. Ulli Krull
Principal Emeritus, University of Toronto Mississauga
Patricia Gartland
Superintendent of Schools & CEO, School District 43 Coquitlam
Peter Singh
CTO, Toronto District School Board
Joseph Wilson
Director of Business Development SpongeLab (former MaRSDD Advisor)
Mark McPherson
VP, Advanced Presentation Products
Dr. Amon Iqbal, MBA, PhD
Founding, Partner
Vantage Enterprises
Ramy Ghattas
Co-founder, Logics Academy
Suthan Sivanesan
Sr. Business Development Manager, Ontario Centres of Excellence
Michael Bator
Executive Director, CCC/ Former Director Dufferin Peel CDSB
Maxim Jean Louis
CEO, Contact North
Ron Sedran
Managing Director, Syndication, Canaccord Capital
Tim Gard
Teacher Librarian Toronto District School Board
Phil Cutler
CEO & Co-Founder, Paper Learning
Dr. Gina Cherkowsk
Founder and CEO of STEM Learning Lab
Michael Fearon
Emergency Management Assistant OPS / Instructor Ryerson University / Research Assistant York University
Rahul Mehta
HBSc, Candidate for Masters of Environmental Studies
Contacts us for any questions, comments, concerns, or interested in a franchise opportunity! |
Mindshare WorkSpace Inc.
Erin Mills Town Centre Shopping Mall, Unit I3
5100 Erin Mills Parkway
Mississauga, ON L5M 4Z5
Phone: 905 814 0900
Email: robert@mindshareworkspace.com
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