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Top 10 Issue #275, May 14, 2021
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This Week in Canadian EdTech with Navid Nathoo, Founder, The knowledge Society>> Exploring How Youth are Adapting & Changing the World |
Dear Thought Leader,
Happy Friday! As I reflect on mainstream media noise around the failings of online learning, I can appreciate the concerns expressed by all. It's really about using the right tech tool at the right time to engage learners. It's not about tech all the time. A word of advice for teachers who are new to EdTech (and please do share with your colleagues!) students prefer not to stare at a talking head on the screen. Engage them in their spaces, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, etc. Leveraging the flipped classroom model (lots of great examples online). Send your students outdoors for project based collaborative learning challenges. Encourage your students to share their learning by storytelling to demonstrate their mastery. Mixing the day up for your students will ignite their passion and help everyone thrive through the home stretch after a very long year.
Please share your success with us via the Schools of the Future Challenge below...
Speaking of storytelling and student engagement, these are two of your key themes in the recently launched 13th Schools of the Future Student [Engagement] Challenge. We'd love to especially hear from some of the newer teachers to EdTech as to how you've successfully inspired your students and infused fun in their learning. I'm curious as to what role humour has played in your teaching day?
I know it's a BIG ask, but there are 3 simple ways to enter this year:
- Share a previously (or new) recorded short 2-3 minute video depicting your students learning in any form (hybrid, online, or in class).
- Share a blog reflection about your teaching transformation
- Share a podcast on your creative and engaging teaching with tech
Why bother? First off you can win some awesome tech prizes for you and your students, thanks to the generosity of some amazing EdTech partners. Secondly, we're wanting to capture the innovative spirit of awesome teachers who made learning happen despite the pandemic.
As CEO of C21 Canada, I'm truly honoured to share a very important recorded webinar C21 Canada 10th Anniversary CEO Academy Leadership Series, "A Culture of Well-Being and Support for Mental Healthy."
Be sure to checkout our lead MindShareTV podcast with the amazing Navid Nathoo, Founder of the Knowledge Scoiety.
This Week in Canadian EdTech MindshareTV Podcast features Unboxing EdTech with Erez Pikar, CEO, Trox on their recent mega merger in EdTech that has Canadian roots to better serve the needs of education across North America.
I hope you enjoy this week's Top 10 curated news stories that really provide a national lens and pulse for some of the incredible innovation happening across our vast Canadian landscape.
Special thanks to our team, board of advisors and valued partners, who enable us to share and stay connected with you on a weekly basis.
Until next time, stay healthy, stay safe and keep the learning curve steep! |
Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech
President, MindShare Learning Technology™
Chief Digital Publisher, The MindShare Learning Report™
Founder, MindShare Workspace
CEO & Co-founder, C21 Canada™
ENTER NOW! Contest Ends June 4th, 2021 |
Join in on the CanAm Clubhouse Community Social Radio Tuesday's @ 8pm ET |
This Week in Canadian EdTech with Erez Pikar, CEO, Trox
on the Merger with Tierney, the inspiration & What to Expect for the Future of Learning |
1. National and provincial bodies honour Alberta teachers for inclusive classrooms
CTV, Calgary, May 11, 2021 |
Five Alberta educators and four institutions were singled out recently for creating classroom environments where no one felt left out.
They've gone above and beyond to make sure children with developmental disabilities are welcomed and supported in regular classrooms. The teachers have been nominated by peers and parents for how they advocate for quality inclusive education.
2. Nextech AR Virtual Experience Platform (VXP) Selected to Host the Canadian Higher Education Information Technology Conference, May 6, 2021 |
VANCOUVER, B.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nextech AR Solutions Corp. a diversified leading provider of augmented reality (AR), virtual event live streaming experiences plus services for 3D ads, eCommerce, and education, today announced that the Canadian Higher Education Information Technology Conference (CANHEIT), the national conference for IT professionals in higher education, has selected Nextech AR’s Virtual Experience Platform (VXP) to host this year’s virtual 2021 conference, taking place May 31-June 4.
3. Virtual Canada-Wide Science Fair Ottawa 2021 Opens in One Week, May 12, 2021 |
OTTAWA, Ontario--(BUSINESS WIRE)--From May 19 to May 21, thousands of Canadians engaged in education and the future of Canada will gather for what will likely be the single largest STEM-based online gathering in the history of our country. Held 59 times since 1962, Canada-Wide Science Fair ‘Ottawa 2021’ will take place entirely online and with an open invitation to all Canadians to join in on the adventure to the heart of scientific exploration and STEM education. |
4. Youth DiverSTEAM Symposium Connects Students with Ontario Hospital Research Institutes May 13, 2021 |
TORONTO, May 13, 2021 /CNW/ - Today, the Ontario Hospital Association (OHA) and Let's Talk Science are hosting the Youth DiverSTEAM Symposium – a virtual networking event that promotes hospital-based careers in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) to approximately 300 high school students from across the province, particularly those from under-represented or racialized communities.
High school students in Grades 9-12 will have the opportunity to hear first-hand about the various pathways to a career in hospital-based STEAM and to network in a virtual environment. The virtual event is being held in a simulation game environment and will feature short, interactive talks, videos and virtual tours from more than 200 researchers, trainees and volunteers of diverse backgrounds from Ontario hospital research institutes.
5. Kahoot acquires Clever, the US-based edtech portal, for up to $500M May 6, 2021
Kahoot, the popular Oslo-based edtech company that has built a big business out of gamifiying education and creating a platform for users to build their own learning games, is making an acquisition to double down on K-12 education and its opportunities to grow in the U.S. It is acquiring Clever, a startup that has built a single sign-on portal for educators, students and their families to build and engage in digital learning classrooms, currently used by about 65% of all U.S. K-12 schools. Kahoot said that the deal — coming in a combination of cash and shares — gives Clever an enterprise value of between $435 million and $500 million, dependent on meeting certain performance milestones. |
6. Algoma University Launches New Access Program for Prospective Students: Innovative program improves likelihood of admission and academic success May 10, 2021
(SAULT STE. MARIE, ON- May 10, 2021): Algoma University has recently launched the Algoma University Access Program (AUAP). This innovative initiative provides students with an opportunity to satisfy their university admission requirements and acquire essential university study skills. |
7. Sheridan innovates on language learning with Pearson Digital English AI-powered technology
| May 12, 2021 |
To help students develop their English-language skills, Sheridan has become the first postsecondary institution in Canada to offer Pearson Digital English – software that harnesses smart technology and artificial intelligence. As a pilot program, the 10-level language course is completely virtual and autonomous, allowing students to learn wherever and whenever they want, at their own pace. |
8. Capacity to Connect: Supporting Students’ Mental Health and Wellness
"Capacity to Connect: Supporting Students’ Mental Health and Wellness" includes a facilitator’s guide with handouts and a PowerPoint presentation. This adaptable training resource covers foundational mental health and wellness knowledge for post-secondary faculty and staff and ways to support students in distress. It can be used for two-hour online or in-person training or for self-study. |
9. Nelson Partnering with Inspire for this year's Nelson Indigenous Student Scholarship
We are committed to empowering student success. That is why we created the Nelson Scholarship Program, an award that recognizes Grade 12 students for their work in the classroom and in their communities. Recipients of the award are young leaders of tomorrow, combining a commitment to community stewardship with academic achievement.
10. NGen Launches Exciting Youth Initiative: Careers of the May 13, 2021 |
TORONTO, May 13, 2021 /CNW/ - Canada's Advanced Manufacturing Supercluster, Next Generation Manufacturing Canada (NGen), has launched an exciting youth initiative - Careers of the The initiative aims to motivate and inspire young minds to explore advanced manufacturing by educating students and adults about where manufacturing is heading and the wide variety of exciting career opportunities that can be pursued within the field. Advanced manufacturing involves the deployment of critical problem solving, teamwork, technical skills, business systems, and cutting-edge digital, materials, and production technologies to enhance how things are made for consumers and other customers in Canada and around the world.
National Girls Learning Code Week
May 16-22, 2021
EdTech World Forum Virtual Conference 2021
May 25-26, 2021
June 12-13, 2021
ICEAT 2021: 15. International Conference on Educational Animations and Technology
June 15-16, 2021
FETC Conference
January 25-28, 2022
Parent Teaching Resources |
1. Free Learning@Home Resources
Learning from home? We’ve got the essential advice and activities you need to bring the classroom home with you! Our team of expert parents and teachers is always hard at work to make sure you have the tools you need to keep your little ones building new skills and having fun along the way. |
2. Learning House
Educational curriculum and resources for parents, home educators, and schools across Canada!
3. Learning Library
Educational Games and Resources |
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The MindShare Learning Report team is made up of the following individuals:
Robert Martellacci, M.A. Ed Tech., Chief Digital Publisher
Dr. Karen Grose, MindShare Learning Partner Associate
Timothy Gard, B.Ed., OCT, M.A, Chief Learning Strategist
Hanan Mousa, Associate Digital Media Specialist
Ivana Zelich, Digital Media University Intern
MindShare Advisory Board
The MindShare Report is grateful for the guidance and support provided by our esteemed advisory board. Members include:
Laurent Burman, M.B.A., Chief Commercial Officer, Sound Commerce
Kevin Custer, Founding Principal, Arc Capital Development
Chip Fesko, Principal, Chip Fesko & Associates
Ian Fogarty, Educator, Riverview High School | MindShare National Video Challenge Award Winner
Dr. GuyTetrault, Award Winning Sun West School Division, Director & CEO (Retired)
Michael Furdyk, Co-Founder, TakingItGlobal
Dr. Eric Hamilton, Associate Dean of Education, Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Maxim Jean-Louis, CEO, Contact North/Contact Nord,
Gary Kern, Principal, St. George's School
Dr. Susanne Lajoie, Professor, Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, McGill University
David Marsi, Senior Manager Training Initiatives, ScotiaMcLeod
Mirella Rossi, Superintendent of Education, Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board
Sandra Chow, Award Winning Teacher, Toronto District School Board (On Leave serving as a Director of Technology & Instruction at a School in China
Ron Sedran, MD, Equity Capital Markets, Canaccord Adams
About The MindShare Learning Report™
Canada's Learning & Technology eMagazine.
Our mission is to provide insight and inspiration to K12 and Post-Secondary education and industry leaders by sharing the latest trends and innovative best practices and success stories in the Canadian education market space and beyond.
Editorial content for the monthly issue is due the third week of each month.
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About MindShare Learning
MindShare Learning is Canada’s leading EdTech strategy, news and events media company. We counsel education and technology leaders in understanding the emerging needs of learners to succeed in the 21st Century global knowledge-based digital economy.
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