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Top 10 Issue #277, May 31, 2021
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A MindShare Moment with Dr. Steve Joordens, University of Toronto, Professor of Psychology Discussing Well-being on the Cusp of emerging from the pandemic >>The Danger of theGreat Snap Back & Embracing #21stcenturyskills |
Dear Thought Leader,
As we kickoff yet another week with a COVID learning time "asterisk", I've never been more hopeful about the future of learning, given this past year's resiliency demonstrated by teachers, students (and parents too), along with mission critical innovations embraced by our learning communities across Canada.
Yet we can't ignore well-being and mental health challenges and some of the issues that continue to plague us, or the disturbing news that emerged over the weekend with the discovery of a mass grave of some 215 children on the grounds of a former residential school in Kamloops, B.C., according to Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation.
Hence our lead podcast once again features renowned, Dr. Steve Joordens, Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto, who lends his insight and inspiration to helps us get through this most challenging year.
As we subscribe to the notion of the 'smartest person in the room is the room,' or in our case classrooms across Canada. Join me as moderator for our C21 Canada 10th Anniversary CIO Alliance Leadership Series, "Planning for Back to School>> Digital Equity & Internet Access Best Practices>> Emerging Models for Learning, June 11, 12 noon ET." It's not too late to register, however the 'room' is filling fast!
It was such an honour to connect this past week with the legendary professor Dr. Andy Hargreaves on his latest book "Five Paths of Student Engagement." The psychology behind it, the myths & the potential of EdTech.
Only 5 Days to Go! 13th Canada's Schools of the Future [Student Engagement] Challenge. Share how you helped your students thrive in challenging times! Share a video, podcast, or blog!
We are excited to be partnering and presenting at the Serious Play Conference June 23-25. I'm fascinated by the exponential growth of gaming and the impact it is having in education and nurturing global competencies.
Late breaking news! MindShare is pleased to be a media partner in the largest and most prestigious Global EdTech conference>> ISTE21. We'll be hosting our 21st CanAm EdTech Celebration of Excellence (Virtual Meetup), June 26-30th. Stay tuned for more details!
I hope you enjoy this week's Top 10 curated news stories that really provide a national lens and pulse for some of the incredible innovation happening across our vast Canadian landscape.
Special thanks to our team, board of advisors and valued partners, who enable us to share and stay connected with you on a weekly basis.
Until next time, stay healthy, stay safe and keep the learning curve steep! |
Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech
President, MindShare Learning Technology™
Chief Digital Publisher, The MindShare Learning Report™
Founder, MindShare Workspace
CEO & Co-founder, C21 Canada™
ENTER NOW! Contest Ends June 4th, 2021 |
Join in on the CanAm Clubhouse Community Social Radio Tuesday's @ 8pm ET |
"The joy of leadership comes from seeing others achieve more than they thought they were capable of."
--- Simon Sinek @simonsinek |
C21 Canada CIO Alliance Webinar >> Planning for Back to School>> Digital Equity & Internet Access Best Practices>> Emerging Models for Learning |
This Week in Canadian EdTech MindshareTV with Namir Anani, ICTC, President & CEO, on work integrated learning, cyberTitan winners & future proofing digital skills |
1. 52 Junior Astronaut Camp winners to train with astronauts and experts, May 27, 2021 |
From July 26 to 30, 2021, 52 young Canadians from across the country will virtually join astronauts, engineers and scientists from the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) for an exciting week of space training. |
2. Should parents have the choice to keep their child in the same grade after 2nd disrupted school year?, May 26, 2021 |
Some parents and experts say it may be time to reconsider the option, which has been largely abandoned. After a pandemic year of switching between in-person and remote learning, Nicholas Madott isn't ready to move from kindergarten to Grade 1 this fall, according to his parents. |
3. TEAM Teapot From North York, Ontario, Wins CyberTitan IV National Finals On May 19, 2021, May 19, 2021 |
4. Learning gaps from pandemic disruptions will require thorough assessments and supports this fall May 25, 2021 |
As schools plan for a return to near-normal this fall, educators will face the monumental task of helping students make up for learning gaps and lost time in a pandemic full of disruptions. |
5. How Teachers’ Pandemic Pivots Are Transforming Education in the 5G Era May 27, 2021
Mark Davidson remembers the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic as a “slow, rolling shock.” He could see it coming, but it was still jarring when it hit.
“We heard from the government on a Friday that we’d be back in school on Monday. Then we heard on Sunday: ‘No, you won’t, and you need to enable at-home learning as quickly as you can,’” says Davidson, superintendent of the Medicine Hat Public School Division in southern Alberta.
6. New resources and supports aim to make McMaster’s virtual spaces more accessible May 20, 2021
May 20 is Global Accessibility Awareness Day, which highlights the digital barriers experienced by those with disabilities, and particularly those persons who use assistive technologies, in accessing online spaces.
As work and study spaces shifted to online environments because of the pandemic, McMaster community members’ relationships to accessibility and disability inclusion work has grown demonstrably.
7. York University launches innovative Learning Experience Design program to help Canadian employers thrive in the new economy
| May 25, 2021 |
TORONTO, May 25, 2021 /CNW/ - Today, York University's School of Continuing Studies announced the launch of a new Certificate in Learning Experience Design. This innovative part-time program will enable education and training professionals to quickly up-skill and significantly improve how employers and educational institutions deliver engaging experiences for employees and students. |
8. Higher education institutions in Canada can now share cybersecurity threats internationally
TORONTO -- A new global cybersecurity initiative will allow higher education institutions to share real-time data to mitigate growing incidents of cyber threats.
The Canadian Shared Security Operations Centre (CanSSOC), announced on March 25, that they will be partnering with cybersecurity agencies in the U.S., U.K. and Australia, to address the vulnerability of higher education institutions to cyberattacks and share data on cybersecurity.
9. UNB has a key role in advancing N.B.’s digital transformation |
| May 19, 2021 |
The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped all aspects of our lives in the same way digital technology has altered how we socialize, work, learn and play. Across Canada and beyond, digital technology is simply embedded into our daily lives now. The pandemic will come to an end, but our use of digital technology will endure and accelerate. Those who embrace it will enjoy new levels of prosperity, progress and resilience. |
10. Safety first: Western mandates vaccinations for students in residence May 27, 2021 |
With accelerated COVID-19 vaccination rollout across the region, Western University is preparing for a full return to in-person classes while prioritizing the health and safety of the campus community.
EdTech World Forum Virtual Conference 2021
June 24-25, 2021
June 12-13, 2021
ICEAT 2021: 15. International Conference on Educational Animations and Technology
June 15-16, 2021
Serious Play Online Conference
June 23-26, 2021
ISTE Live 21 Designing a New Learning Landscape
June 26-30, 2021
FETC Conference
January 25-28, 2022
Parent Teaching Resources |
1. Ontario Science Centre: Science at Home Curriculum Resources
Science is everywhere, and learning can happen anywhere. Explore these grade-specific, curriculum-connected resources designed for Ontario teachers to use with their students. |
2. Hour of Code Activities
Try a one-hour tutorial designed for all ages in over 45 languages. Join millions of students and teachers in over 180 countries starting with an Hour of Code.
Chrome Music Lab is a website that makes learning music more accessible through fun, hands-on experiments. |
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The MindShare Learning Report team is made up of the following individuals:
Robert Martellacci, M.A. Ed Tech., Chief Digital Publisher
Dr. Karen Grose, MindShare Learning Partner Associate
Timothy Gard, B.Ed., OCT, M.A, Chief Learning Strategist
Hanan Mousa, Associate Digital Media Specialist
Ivana Zelich, Digital Media University Intern
MindShare Advisory Board
The MindShare Report is grateful for the guidance and support provided by our esteemed advisory board. Members include:
Laurent Burman, M.B.A., Chief Commercial Officer, Sound Commerce
Kevin Custer, Founding Principal, Arc Capital Development
Chip Fesko, Principal, Chip Fesko & Associates
Ian Fogarty, Educator, Riverview High School | MindShare National Video Challenge Award Winner
Dr. GuyTetrault, Award Winning Sun West School Division, Director & CEO (Retired)
Michael Furdyk, Co-Founder, TakingItGlobal
Dr. Eric Hamilton, Associate Dean of Education, Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Maxim Jean-Louis, CEO, Contact North/Contact Nord,
Gary Kern, Principal, St. George's School
Dr. Susanne Lajoie, Professor, Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, McGill University
David Marsi, Senior Manager Training Initiatives, ScotiaMcLeod
Mirella Rossi, Superintendent of Education, Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board
Sandra Chow, Award Winning Teacher, Toronto District School Board (On Leave serving as a Director of Technology & Instruction at a School in China
Ron Sedran, MD, Equity Capital Markets, Canaccord Adams
About The MindShare Learning Report™
Canada's Learning & Technology eMagazine.
Our mission is to provide insight and inspiration to K12 and Post-Secondary education and industry leaders by sharing the latest trends and innovative best practices and success stories in the Canadian education market space and beyond.
Editorial content for the monthly issue is due the third week of each month.
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About MindShare Learning
MindShare Learning is Canada’s leading EdTech strategy, news and events media company. We counsel education and technology leaders in understanding the emerging needs of learners to succeed in the 21st Century global knowledge-based digital economy.
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