Can/Am Summer Professional Learning July Edition 2021, Volume 14 Issue 5
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Music Educator & former Musical Theatre Actor
Melissa Burns, Canadian Schools of the Future Challenge Winner Shares the Inspiration and Impact on Student Learning
Welcome to our Summer Professional Learning Edition of the CanAm EdTech Report.
I'm most grateful for having taken our first family vacation to Mont Tremblant, Quebec since the pandemic. It was most memorable! I've come back feeling energized, having had the opportunity to recharge and disconnect. The trip also spurred a few innovative and new program ideas for MindShare which was a bonus! A BIG takeaway is that environment and mindset play a BIG part in learning and growing!
After the unprecedented year it's been, I hope you are able to take some time to enjoy the outdoors and catchup with family and friends and focus on your well-being.
With in class teaching expected to return to some sense of normalcy in September, we are excited to share this special professional learning issue that our team helped curate with some great resources.
Issue Highlights:
- Educator Melissa Burns Featured Podcast: Canada's Schools of the Future Challenge Winner Shares her journey with students to designing a school of the future in Minecraft, infusing the UN's SDGs.
- ISTE CanAm Highlights Podcast featuring Richard Culatta, CEO, ISTE, who peers into the future on what's to come in education
- SMART Technologies Unboxing EdTech 'New' Interactive Display
- Montreal based EdTech Startup, Paper Learning, past winner of MindShare's EdTech Startup Challenge Raises $100 Million with their vision to help all students thrive.
- Patricia Gartland, Superintendent and CEO, SD43 Coquitlam and C31 CEO Academy member honoured with BCCIE Lifetime Achievement provincial award
- University of Waterloo launches first driverless autonomous 5G shuttle
- Save the Dave! 12th Canadian EdTech Leadership Summit--Reimagining Schools of the Future, October 28-29 [Hybrid]. Presenter and Sponsor Opportunities are now open!
I hope you enjoy our enhanced CanAm EdTech Report featuring North America-wide news, research, events, careers and success stories and more! A special shoutout to the organizers of the Atlantic Education Summit, July 29 - August 6. I'm looking forward to presenting and moderating a panel!
Educators and industry leaders drop us a note if you are interested in contributing a blog or podcast as part of our summer professional learning focus.
We are especially grateful during the pandemic for the valued support of our community: educators, sponsors, partners, students, parents and advisory board members, and our team. You inspire excellence in everything we do to help support your collective efforts in helping every student thrive.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me and share your stories, news and events with us! We love hearing from you! Or, call me at 416-569-2106.
Until next time, stay healthy, stay safe and keep the digital learning curve steep!
P.S. Save the Date for our Summer EdTech Industry Bootcamp August 17!
Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech
Founder & President, MindShare Learning Technology™
Chief Digital Publisher, The MindShare Learning Report™
Founder, MindShare Workspace--Your Place to Work & Learning
CEO & Co-founder, C21 Canada--Canadians for 21st Century Learning & Innovation
Follow us on Twitter @MindShareLearn @c21can @mindsharework
Watch Recorded CAN/AM Meet up Interview with Richard Culatta, CEO, International Society for Tech & Learning |
Thank You to our Valued Sponsors! |
“I believe we can build the hopeful future in a way that is respectful of what has happened in the past…If we embrace our common humanity and shared responsibility for one another, Canada's greatest days are yet to come,”
- Mary Simon
Inuk leader, Canada's 30th Governor General
Mary Simon named as Canada's first Indigenous Governor General
CAN/AM EdTech Industry Spotlight |
Exclusive MindshareTV Podcast with Phil Cutler PAPER learning on their recent success story raising $100 Million USD Series C round financing
Unboxing Edition with Smart Technologies featuring their 'New' Interactive Display live demo from Giancarlo Brotto & Alek Kolga |
Featured Books of the Month |
Upcoming FREE edWebinars Hosted by EdWeb.net |
Congratulations to Patricia Gartland, CEO/Superintendent of Schools, School District No. 43 Coquitlam, BCCIE Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient |
betakit.com, June 30, 2021 |
Why everyone from students to NASA is using this Canadian invention |
theglobeandmail.com, June 30, 2021 |
Tech-Adaptika Announces the Launch of its First Avatar-based Virtual Reality Summer School in North America |
newswire.ca, June 25, 2021 |
St. David School wins national contest |
thesudburystar.com, June 26, 2021 |
How Movement and Gestures Can Improve Student Learning |
University of Waterloo launches Canada’s first driverless, autonomous 5G shuttle |
uwaterloo.ca, June 24, 2021 |
Three new programs will prepare workers for careers in the digital economy
ualberta.ca, June 28, 2021 |
Seneca launches software engineering bachelor's degree
educationnewscanada.com, July 6, 2021 |
Study shows Canada needs to prioritize creating a more inclusive science and technology workforce
newswire.ca, July 6, 2021 |
Six New Faculty Members Join First Nations University of Canada
educationnewscanada, July 7, 2021 |
Contact us to post your career opportunities here! |
US Education Industry & Association Conferences
via Frank Catalano, April, 2021 |
ICITE 2021 - 9th International Conference on Information Technology in Education
July 10–11, 2021 |
WSHDC Webinar U.S. Government procurement: Cloud Services Certification Requirements – The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP)
July 15, 2021 |
Annual EdTech Conference: Teaching and Learning with Technology: What's Next? Hosted by OntarioTech Education
August 16–19, 2021 |
Denver Global Landing Pad
August 24–October 5, 2021 |
Big Data & AI Toronto: Time to Accelerate
October 13–14, 2021 |
FETC Future of Education Technology Conference
January 25–28, 2021 |
The MindShare Report is grateful for the guidance and support provided by our esteemed advisory board.
Lauren Burman, M.B.A., Chief Client Officer, POSSIBLE
Kevin Custer, Founding Principal, Arc Capital Development
Chip Fesko, President, Fesko Inc.
Ian Fogarty, Educator, Riverview High School | MindShare National Video Challenge Award Winner
Dr. GuyTetrault, Award Winning Sun West Director & CEO (Retired)
Michael Furdyk, Co-Founder, TakingItGlobal
Dr. Eric Hamilton, Associate Dean of Education, Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Maxim Jean-Louis, CEO, Contact North/Contact Nord,
Gary Kern, Director of Learning, St. George's School
Dr. Susanne Lajoie, Professor, Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, McGill University
David Marsi, Senior Manager Training Initiatives, ScotiaMcLeod
Mirella Rossi, Superintendent of Education, Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board
Sandra Chow, Award Winning Teacher, Toronto District School Board
Ron Sedran, MD, Equity Capital Markets, Canaccord Adams
Zelia Capatao-Tavares, Educator, Toronto District School Board |
The MindShare Learning team is made up of the following awesome individuals:
Robert Martellacci, M.A. Ed Tech., Chief Digital Curator
Dr. Ron Owston, PhD., Research Associate, University Professor Emeritus, Former Dean of Faculty, York University
Chris Kim, PhD., Research Associate, Software Engineer, software studio, Fresco Industries
Timothy Gard, B.Ed., OCT, M.A, Chief Learning Strategist
Hanan Mousa, Associate Digital Media Specialist
Ivana Zelich, Mindshare Digital Media Student
Valerie Rusnov, B.A. Hons., B.Ed., Editor
Filomena Martellacci, B.A. Hons., B.Ed., OCT, Editor
About The MindShare Learning Report™
Canada's Learning & Technology eMagazine
Our mission is to transform education by sharing knowledge of 21st Century innovative best practices and success stories in the Canadian education market space and beyond.
Editorial content for the monthly issue is due the third week of each month.
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Annual subscriptions to the MindShare Learning Report can be purchased at $99 CDN
About MindShare Learning
MindShare Learning is Canada’s leading EdTech strategy, news and events media company. We counsel education and technology leaders in understanding the emerging needs of learners to succeed in the 21st Century global knowledge-based digital economy.
MindShare Learning’s partial client list includes: Adobe, Blackboard Inc., Bosch Dremel, C21 Canada, Cisco Canada, Epson America, Follett, Global Scholar, Intel Canada, Microsoft Canada, Ontario Ministry of Education, Research Machines (RM) PLC UK, SMART Technologies, Steelcase.
Inquire about advertising our EdTech Strategy Consulting services.
'NEW' MindShare Learning Digital Marketing & Consulting Kit
Share your press releases, career opportunities and more! Contact us at info@mindsharelearning.com`
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