Volume 3, Issue 13, Anniversary/Holiday Special Edition, November, 2021 |
This Week in Canadian Coworker with Aman Sahota, founder
Ei Amplified on being selected Canada's EdTech
Startup of the year
A Blog from the Founder
Robert Martellacci, CEO |
Following a Successful hosting of the MindShare 12th Canadian International EdTech Virtual Leadership Summit, we are pleased to announce our partnership with Remo. Inquire about MindShare hosting your hybrid, or virtual event in a 3D space! |
Dear Colleague,
Welcome to our special November 4th Anniversary edition of the MindShare Canadian CoWorker eMag as we celebrate national Career Month across Canada. Do join us for our first face to face/Virtual anniversary/holiday celebration at the MindShare Workspace, Tuesday, December 7, 5-7 pm. Click here to register.
Our passion to nurture the future of work & learning took to the virtual centre stage as we marked history in creating the first 3D immersive learning environment in North America that replicated our MindShare Coworking space (see image above). The 12th Canadian international EdTech conference last month focused on the notion of future-proofing learning across Canada and beyond.
Kudos to Aman Sahota, Co-founder of Ei-Amplified, winner of our 5th Canadian EdTech Startup Challenge. As part of Aman's prize winnings, he'll be incubating at the workspace for the next three months where I will be honoured to mentor this fascinating startup!
Incidentally, one of our past winners 5 years ago, Paper Learning recently received $105M U.S. in private equity funding. Phil Cutler, CEO, Paper Learning also serves as a board of advisor to MindShare Workspace. It was an honour to mentor Phil and help his company thrive!
As innovation is our hallmark, we are currently in planning mode to host a June event from Pre-k to lifelong learning. Stay tuned for more details!
As we're seeing continued growth in demand for suburban coworking, we're looking at expansion next door in our existing space as well as GTA opportunities that have emerged. Please drop me a note if you're looking for space, or are interested in an investment. We are open to strategic partners to support our continued growth.
Congratulations to our friends at Lakeview Village waterfront development in Mississauga, who recently received planning approval to build out 8,000 units that will include an innovation park that we plan to be a part of.
It's never been a more opportune time to launch a new business! Come join us for a tour to learn more about our Black Friday Exclusive Offers!
I hope you enjoy this Special Anniversary Issue of the MindShare Canadian CoWorker eMag.
Special thanks to our team and coworking members who really help make our community workspace an inspiring place to work, learn and grow!
Until next time, stay safe and keep the work & learning curve steep!
P.S. If you're considering coworking and want to learn more, join us for a tour and a Friday Feast, Friday, November 26, 12noon. Please RSVP by calling 905-814-0900.
Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech
Founder & CEO, MindShare Workspace
President, MindShare Learning Technology™
Chief Digital Curator, The Canadian Coworker & MindShare Learning Report™
Co-founder & President C21 Canada™
Follow us on Twitter @MindShareworkspace @mindsharelearn
You are Invited to the MindShare Workspace 4th Anniversary & Holiday Party |
Email Us: robert@mindshareworkspace.com to RSVP |
Black Friday Special DEAL |
Contact Us: robert@mindshareworkspace.com |
Mississauga Webinar Series Events |
A MindShareTV Moment with Founder & CEO, STEAM Works Studio headquartered in Princeton with newly opened offices in Canada at the MindShare Workspace |
Mississauga Business News |
1. 10 best practices for productive, low-stress, virtual meetings
thefutureisunlimited.ca: October 4, 2021
“Virtual fatigue, Zoom gloom… these are just two terms that capture the mental and psychological exhaustion triggered by stressful, unproductive virtual meetings. While these meetings have allowed us to remain productive during the pandemic, who among us hasn’t felt tense, drained or extremely low-energy afterward, or at the prospect of yet another meeting?
2. Massive new innovation district will bring 9,000 jobs to Mississauga
blogto.com: October 20, 2021
The 'Ontario Innovation Corridor' is becoming more and more of an actual thing (beyond chamber of commerce campaign documents) as developers build out the GTA with high-tech companies and jobs in mind.
3. Here’s how your Mississauga business can recover from the COVID-19 pandemic
insauga.com: November 1, 2021
If you’re a business owner still struggling with the effects of the pandemic, the City of Mississauga is offering a number of valuable tools and support options to help you out.
4. Over 8,000-unit Lakeview Village development approved by Mississauga planning committee
mississauga.com, November 8, 2021 |
A proposed 8,000-plus-unit residential and commercial development near Mississauga’s waterfront has been approved by the city’s planning committee.
5. Mississauga’s Digital Service Squad is Back to Help Small Businesses Go Virtual
mississauga.ca: November 19, 2021 |
The City of Mississauga’s Digital Service Squad program is back for the third year in a row, made possible by a grant from Digital Main Street with funding from the Government of Ontario’s Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade. The grants are administered on behalf of Digital Main Street by the Ontario Business Improvement Area Association (OBIAA), and will help Mississauga small businesses get online and reach more customers virtually. |
Featured Member of the Month |
Great to host for the next 3 months Aman Sahota, founder
Ei amplified, selected as Canada's EdTech Startup of the year in our incubator program as part of his prize winnings!
Driving Innovation through Education
Education shapes society, culture, and the mindsets of students that will lead the future. Every student has the potential to grow, inspire and innovate given the opportunity and resources. The change within education that is needed is implementing students to solve some of the world’s biggest problems through empathy and self awareness. With the current trend and focus on technology, an increased focus on emotional intelligence and experiential learning is required.
Dr. Ulli Krull
Principal Emeritus, University of Toronto Mississauga
Patricia Gartland
Superintendent of Schools & CEO, School District 43 Coquitlam
Peter Singh
CTO, Toronto District School Board
Joseph Wilson
Director of Business Development SpongeLab (former MaRSDD Advisor)
Mark McPherson
VP, Advanced Presentation Products
Dr. Amon Iqbal, MBA, PhD
Founding, Partner
Vantage Enterprises
Ramy Ghattas
Co-founder, Logics Academy
Suthan Sivanesan
Sr. Business Development Manager, Ontario Centres of Excellence
Michael Bator
Executive Director, CCC/ Former Director Dufferin Peel CDSB
Maxim Jean Louis
CEO, Contact North
Ron Sedran
Managing Director, Syndication, Canaccord Capital
Tim Gard
Teacher Librarian Toronto District School Board
Phil Cutler
CEO & Co-Founder, Paper Learning
Dr. Gina Cherkowsk
Founder and CEO of STEM Learning Lab
Michael Fearon
Emergency Management Assistant OPS / Instructor Ryerson University / Research Assistant York University
Rahul Mehta
HBSc, Candidate for Masters of Environmental Studies
Contacts us for any questions, comments, concerns, or interested in a franchise opportunity! |
Mindshare WorkSpace Inc.
Erin Mills Town Centre Shopping Mall, Unit I3
5100 Erin Mills Parkway
Mississauga, ON L5M 4Z5
Phone: 905 814 0900
Email: robert@mindshareworkspace.com
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