Volume 5, Issue 1, April Edition, 2023 |
This Week in Canadian Coworker Feauturing MindShare Workspace Member Tanusree Dasgupta, Founder & CEO, TD Global Migration Canada Corp.
Greetings from the CEO
Robert Martellacci, MA EdTech |
Dear Colleague,
Happy Spring! It's that time of year again when we welcome new beginnings and fresh starts. The spring season brings a sense of renewal and rejuvenation, which is why we have some exciting news to share with you, our valued community member. Check out the top 5 Mississauga business news articles in this issue.
We were delighted to host the John Fraser Secondary School Entrepreneurship Class in our MindShare Workspace. Our CEO & Founder, Robert Martellacci, presented on entrepreneurship and challenged the students with a design thinking activity. It was an honour to be a part of their learning experience and witness their innovative ideas.
In the spirit of spring, we are offering a special discount of 25% off events at MindShare Workspace. This is the perfect opportunity to network with other professionals and learn from industry experts. Don't miss out on this offer and make sure to book your next event with us.
Check out This Week in Canadian Coworker podcast featuring valued member, Tanusree Dasgupta, Founder & CEO of TD Global Migration Canada Corp. Tune in to hear her inspiring immigrant story and gain insights into her entrepreneurial journey.
The Biggest news of all! Cushman & Wakefield, our mall management would like us to expand nationally! Thanks to our success and growth trajectory, we are also welcoming interested investors to join our journey to become Canada's leader in shopping mall located coworking spaces.
Thank you for being a part of the MindShare Workspace community, and we look forward to seeing you soon.
Until next time, stay healthy, stay safe and keep the sales curve steep!
P.S. Join us on Thrive Thursday for a Meetup lunch, April 27th, 1pm. Connect with our Coworking Community, Share a Success Story! Bring a friend & your favourite dish for a potluck extravaganza!
Robert Martellacci, M.A. EdTech
Founder & CEO, MindShare Workspace
President, MindShare Learning Technology™
Chief Digital Curator, The Canadian Coworker & MindShare Learning Report™
Co-founder & President C21 Canada™
Follow us on Twitter @MindShareworkspace @mindsharelearn
You're Invited to Join Robert Martellacci, Founder & CEO of MindShare Workspace, for an inspiring FREE coffee chat on Apr 22, 2023, 9:30-11:30am! Learn practical advice from a seasoned entrepreneur & startup mentor on building a successful business plan, team, & navigating the business landscape. Get inspired, motivated, & ready to take on the world! |
It was a pleasure to host the John Fraser Secondary School Entrepreneurship Class in the MindShare Workspace.
Robert Martellacci, CEO & Founder, presented on entrepreneurship & challenged the students with a design thinking activity! |
Contact Us to redeem: robert@mindshareworkspace.com |
Contact Us to redeem: robert@mindshareworkspace.com |
Announcing our 2023 MARTY Award Finalists & Community Award Winners! |
Host Your Events & Meetings with Us! |
We are Proud to have recently hosted the Vireo in their Innovate Schools Challenge launch!
To learn more about hosting your meetings or #events with us Call us today: 905-814-0900 or email us: robert@mindshareworkspace.com
Mississauga Business News |
1. Bringing Lakeview Innovation District To Life: City Seeks Input On Incentive Program
mississauga.ca: April 5, 2023
The City of Mississauga is seeking input on an incentive program that will help transform a former industrial area along the waterfront into a 20-acre innovation campus. The Lakeview Innovation District, part of the 177-acre Lakeview Village development, will become an employment hub where people can research, test and develop solutions in state-of-the-art offices, flex-offices and lab spaces.
2. Step-Up Program Pitch
ideamississauga.ca: March 21, 2023
This 6-month program supports innovative and inclusive companies to grow and overcome barriers. As a participant, you will have the opportunity to attend workshops and seminars that address common challenges faced by CEOs of scaling companies, connect with experienced mentors, speakers, and peers, and present to investors, industry partners and City of Mississauga representatives to get started towards your next round of funding, sale or partnership.
3. Summer Company Program for Young Entrepreneurs
ideamississauga.ca: March 21, 2023
Summer Company 2023 applications are now open until April 23rd!
Are you an Ontario student 15 to 29 years and have a business idea?
The Summer Company program can help you launch and operate a business this summer. The program provides:
• Business training and mentorship to help you get your business up and running.
• Opportunity for a grant up to $3,000 to help you launch your summer business.
4. Business Funding and Support Finder to help grow your business!
thefutureisunlimited.ca: March 14, 2023 |
Access our Business Funding and Support Finder and discover a growing list of resources aimed to address your needs in R&D and innovation, commercialization, business development, global expansion, employee hiring, training and talent, energy efficiency and sustainability initiatives. |
5. Ontario Minimum Wage To Increase To $16.55/hour Oct. 1
insauga.com: March 31, 2023 |
Ontario’s minimum wage is set to rise to $16.55 an hour on Oct. 1. It marks a 6.8 per cent boost from the current rate of $15.50 an hour, an increase tied to inflation. The government says the increase means someone making minimum wage and working 40 hours per week would see their pay increase by nearly $2,200 per year. Labour advocates and opposition critics have said Ontario should introduce a $20 minimum wage. |
Dr. Ulli Krull
Principal Emeritus, University of Toronto Mississauga
Patricia Gartland
Superintendent of Schools & CEO, School District 43 Coquitlam
Peter Singh
CTO, Toronto District School Board
Joseph Wilson
Director of Business Development SpongeLab (former MaRSDD Advisor)
Mark McPherson
VP, Advanced Presentation Products
Dr. Amon Iqbal, PhD
Founding, Partner
Vantage Enterprises
Ramy Ghattas
Co-founder, Logics Academy
Suthan Sivanesan
Sr. Business Development Manager, Ontario Centres of Excellence
Michael Bator
Executive Director, CCC/ Former Director Dufferin Peel CDSB
Maxim Jean Louis
CEO, Contact North
Ron Sedran
Managing Director, Syndication, Canaccord Capital
Tim Gard
Teacher Librarian Toronto District School Board
Phil Cutler
CEO & Co-Founder, Paper Learning
Dr. Gina Cherkowsk
Founder and CEO of STEM Learning Lab
Michael Fearon
Emergency Management Assistant OPS / Instructor Ryerson University / Research Assistant York University
Rahul Mehta
HBSc, Candidate for Masters of Environmental Studies
Contacts us for any questions, comments, concerns, or interested in a franchise opportunity! |
Mindshare WorkSpace Inc.
Erin Mills Town Centre Shopping Mall, Unit I3
5100 Erin Mills Parkway
Mississauga, ON L5M 4Z5
Phone: 905 814 0900
Email: robert@mindshareworkspace.com
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